Psycho Social Sexual by After-Death Plan
Let me start by saying that I am not able to keep the work I do very current on this site. I go through a new shoot/project/scenario every week and keeping up with the work is priority. I’ve been threatening to take a week to update my reel but the time has not presented itself.
But I do want to post about our new album and music videos. I updated a bit of my gear to record and mix this album. Mostly links will have to do here because we’ve already spent a lot of time creating and promoting this work. The new album, released January 15, 2019 is called Psycho Social Sexual. There is a considerable amount of info about it and press coverage of it on our website:
Our first video for the song Neil Harvey premiered Pure Grain Audio:
Followed by the second premiere of Psycho Social Sexual on Ghettoblaster Magazine:
We released the next video, Starlight, ourselves:
And Columbus Underground premiered the video for Walking:
Time is pretty tight but best thing is to reach out to me if you’ve a professional project that needs sound or voice. I’m always open to a pitch on artistic projects as well. Worst case scenario is that someone will have listened and appreciated the concept.
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